This page is simply devoted to fun stuff I've been doing. I'll change the photos as often as I can (though they are always posted newest-to-oldest)-----actually living life makes it hard to get to the computer! Life isn't a spectator-sport; get out of the house (and off your computer and Facebook) and enjoy it!
Beautiful at Fort James
But this cat gets comfy very quickly.
He's trying to decide what to attack.
Fluffy Cat takes a break
Jumby and Wadadli
My study----and secret nap-place!
If I serve you potato chips out of this bowl, it probably means we aren't friends.
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood
Bougainvillea-----no matter the colour, my favourite flower
One of my fave spots to be in late afternoon
Oh it was so crowded at the beach today (Not!)
Can't do this in Maine: I love parking my car right on the beach under the shade of a sea grape tree.
Kitty takes over one of the guest rooms
Beautiful English Harbour
I am grateful for the blessing of this island home.
One of my favourite places to do nothing: the gunpowder house at Admiral Nelson's Dockyard
There are strange birds on this side of the island!
O.J.'s as usual
The beauty just never changes. And to think Liz McCusker denied herself and her family the use of this house because she couldn't control her jealousy!
My husband is so thoughtful and generous.....and he says he loves to decorate me. My "new" diamond earrings were made for a lady in 1881. I feel honoured to wear them.
The new addition to the neighborhood------Mrs. Pelican
The ice houses are starting to appear in our cove
I love the art of ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) that I learned while living in Tokyo. Just one more skill that I know about that Liz McCusker doesn't know (and as the old saying goes, "is ignorant of what she doesn't know").
Here's my latest work:
Pink-bone thief.
Luna loves her pink bone....
Chairman Meow gets comfy:
Still beautiful here on Wednesday---though getting ready for the predicted gale. Should clear out by Saturday, so I'll be stacking wood~
But up in our cove on the lake, this past Saturday was a perfect fall day. The late fall colours were spectacular and the cliff across the cove was just so pretty.
Other docks along the shore didn't do very well.
Wisely, Portland Yacht Club's wonderful and talented Waterfront Manager disconnected the dock system prior to the storm. The docks sat at anchor and survived. One of the boats dragged, but was unharmed.
Devastation near Portland Yacht Club in Falmouth, Maine from the October gale (not my boat, though I know the owner):
Gale warning in effect! But we are cozy at anchor on our last sail/cruise of the season. There is homemade bread baking in the oven, and a big pot of chili on the stove.
Life could not be better!!!!!
Oh, I so much love the Dolphin Marina. Their service is so excellent to begin with----and then take it over the top by having their dock-people deliver coffee and amazing blueberry muffins in the morning!!!!!
Happily with my friends the Browns again
I'm still trying to figure out which plant this dog got into......
Ashe----the new name of my old boat-----has a beautiful West African meaning. Basically it refers to sacred things that have the power to make things happen. Ashe also refers to powers that produce change.
It's a great name for a boat that I loved, and is much loved now by John and Heidi.
Nothing like an up-in-the-air dog's butt!!!!
It was so wonderful to see my old boat----that I'd owned for 27 years!!!!----back at the Portland Yacht Club after 8 years away in Long Island Sound. The amazing owners have restored her to a level that's even better than she was new.
We had a blast sailing in tandem, as I introduced the owners to the beauties of this extraordinary place----the Maine coast-----upon which we are lucky enough to live.
....and cooler still that once again there is a sailor-dog on board, just as there was for me when I owned her......
So wonderful to be back on the beach in Casco Bay! What could be better on these hot days!
Beautiful summer flowers given to me by Valentine Sheldon. Thank you so much, Valentine!
This crazy-looking power boat just broke the speed record for going around the world------a mere 76 days!!!
It was so fun to meet the crew of young men here at wonderful Dysart's in SW Hrbr.
Beautiful Southwest Harbour, Acadia National Park.
You gotta love the Grateful Dead inspired lobsterboat-name...."Mama Tried"!!!
Peacefully at anchor at gorgeous Buckle Island
Dave Perry, my rigging-guy, comes to the rescue at 65 feet above sea level.
I sailed my boat by myself to Acadia National Park (Hey, "captain" Liz McCusker, do you have the faintest clue as to how to do that, "captain"?).
I had a small problem with the mainsail, which I was worried would turn into a big problem. Dave to the rescue!!!!! What a great guy!
Snug as a bug with the on air conditioning on down below-----after a rainy morning.
It was a beautiful day in Boothbay
Back out again on this beautiful day!
Everybody's sleepy on this dreary day
Chairman Meow gets comfy
Alone in the cove at beautiful Jewell island
Geese mate for life and are monogamous (unlike Steve McCusker). Our resident goose is sitting on her eggs while her husband brings her food. It's sooo cute!
PHD candidates explore the 5th Maine Regiment museum earlier in April:
We have a record-breaking number of Portland History Docents this year! I had to turn away applicants. Here are a few of our 65 new docents learning about the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad.
One week later, it's melting slightly......I can finally see the top of the white split-rail fence that separates the bottom of the driveway from the lawn.
An unexpected spring storm this past week dumped a few more inches on the ski house. Here's the view from the porch of the lake (!!!!) a few days ago
What a beautiful day to head to Mt. Washington!
Came back to Maine too early-----after months in nothing but tropical-wear, I'm in a sweatshirt and still freezing to death!!!!
His name is Adolph. Guess why!!!!!
Marilyn waters the plants. We use only our grey water for the plants, as we are environmentally conservative . It's an island! The environment is thus fragile.
Wadadli says "howdy" to my drink
My hair may be grey, but I just swam two miles!!!!! Took me an hour and a half. Can you swim that far?
Under the sea grape tree yesterday at beautiful Valley Church
And yet another critter in my shower.......
Did you know that if you catch their tail with your finger, it will come off (and they'll grow a new one)? Ewwwwwww.
Beautiful Half Moon Bay beach today. It's not 14 degrees here!
The colour of the sea and sky these days on our sea terrace has just been bluer than blue. This island is so beautiful, and this home seems to bring peace to all who come here.
Beautiful Falmouth harbour
The Floof looks a little suspicious about his brother's intentions
Lazybones Wadadli lying on the warm limestone of the cliff over the beach
Wild orchids and bougainvillea from the garden
There is nothing The Floof likes better than high places
Silly artwork at the edge of beautiful Dutchman's Bay
We had a fine stay-at-home-Sunday.
Riding yesterday at Fort James Beach
A late lunch at Dennis's, at the end of beautiful Ffreye's Beach
I never tire of coming home to the tropical plants along my walkway. It just feels so relaxing and welcoming to me.
I remember Steve being so surprised at pictures of my front door, which is a gate. I guess he's never been to the tropics, where indoor/outdoor living is de rigueur
Pre-lunch decadence: Lounging around while a waiter in a bow tie and starched white shirt (but barefoot!) brings drinks!
Turner's Beach, Caribbean side. Montseratt on horizon, 40 miles away.
Admiral Nelson's hurricane-hole
Admiral's Inn, English Harbour
These sweet dogs DO occasionally bring to mind Oliver Twist's request to Mr. Bumble.........
Yet another beautiful day in paradise
Catherine's sur la Plage
Yes, it's gi-normous. The Superyacht Challenge races start tomorrow!
Pigeon Beach today
Cold beers at O.J.'s beach shack----nothing finer!
Beautiful Valley Church beach today.
Must. Attack. Flipflop.
Boon companions.
Another beautiful day in paradise
He thinks he's invisible
From the South Pacific to the Caribbean Sea: This is the home I've owned the longest
Beautiful flowers from my husband today....and no, there's no occasion. He just knows that lilies are my favourite flower.
Bora Bora looms
Found this old Proclamation today.
Another rainbow late yesterday afternoon
If you look carefully off the the right on the horizon, you can just see Bora Bora
We've been adding more statuary
Hika, one of our oldest Polynesian cats, makes himself at home.
Vegetable Curry, the South Pacific way.
An over-the-top welcome home dinner by our cook and his staff:

Of all the bedrooms in all of my homes, I love this one the best.
If you don't have a job (and aren't looking for one) why do you need the latest technology?
Why do people think they "need" new stuff all the time?
What is your "need" to have a smart phone, especially if money is tight?
This is my cel phone----it's nearly 12 years old, yet I use it all over the world. And it costs me $30/month.
How come even 10 years ago Liz McCusker "needed" to upgrade her phone----and has done so myriad times since? I travel all over the world, but easily get by with a phone that costs $30/month.
So beautiful.....and personal...when placed in a sterling silver bowl that was a sailing trophy that I won years ago.
It's an act of love to make your own centerpieces (for your own table of family, or to bring for someone else).
I'm here listening to Deb Taylor, Executive Director of Sweetser, where I serve as a Corporator.
But what amazing, amazing work Sweetser is doing. This organization, nearing 200 years old, is literally saving the lives of families and children in Maine. I am so proud to be part of their Directors and Corporators, and helping stear them into their 3rd century.
One of the major reasons I sued the McCuskers for defamation was their comments about Sweetser. Liz even took parts of Sweetser's web site, and posted them on her fake Facebook page, suggesting that Mr. Tourangeau "use his influence" to have Sweetser help me. What an incredibly stupid thing to say.
Did Liz McCusker somehow think this was amusing, or true on any level? Did she consider that Sweetser might not like being used by her fake "Jack Hill" persona? She's lucky THEY didn't sue her.
Oh well, oh well, I feel so good today
We just touched ground on an international runway
Jet-propelled back home from overseas to the U.S.A.
-Chuck Berry
Well Iceland is certainly.....uhhh.....interesting.
I will miss it here. Perhaps I'll post more pictures when I get home.
Bicycling again in a place where fall hasn't finished with the trees.....oh what a fine city this is.
We love it here so much. We know we need to get back to Paris, but it's so laid-back here. Bicycling everywhere....we know our neighbors so well already.
Our home away from home. Love it here! Maybe will buy a small home so that we can come back often.
Such a beautiful city. What Anne Frank saw.
What Rembrandt saw. (OK, maybe not the cars).
I just love the architecture in the Low Countries. (I do wish our weather had been a little brighter today, but what the heck it's November!)
Back near Amsterdam, for a bit of business but just the mild autumn enjoyment. Look at these guys fishing in the canal!
Oh, bien sur, je vais directment dans cet endroite!
My favourite kid Kenneth, with his genius-level intelligence, stuns all us adults with his spot-on explanation of the history of Gruyere. Absolutely stunning.
Hmmmm. I took a short plane trip to elsewhere. U.S. $68!!!!!! Round trip!
Une belle journee aujourd'hui pres Interlaken
Les Alpes surplombent le lac Leman. Quand je vois des choses comme celle-ci, je pense souvent a la pauvre Liz McCusker, qui n'a jamais vecu ces experiences et, pire a mon avis, ne relise meme pas ce qui lui manque. Comme qulque'un l'a deja dit, "La personne la plus pauvre est celle qui ne sait meme pas qu'elle ne connait pas le monde".
Il y a de la neige pour Halloween ici pres du Lac Leman
Nous avons decide de rendre visite a un ami a Genolier, Suisse pendant quelques jours. Quel bel endroit elle habite!
Garer mon voiture dans ma petite ruelle (a un pate de maisons de mon appartement) ne pas pour ames sensibles!!!
OK, retour a Paris a ses environs, apres mon breve digression!
Emailed to me by my Maine boat yard. This marks the official end of the season!
Tout le monde va reconnaitre celui-ci! Nous venons ici si souvent pour errer sur la terrain.
Paris sous terre! Notre cave degustation preferee.
Ah Paris, tu es l'un des plus beaux endroites de la planete.
Equitation pres de Versailles aujourd'hui!
Decalage horaire, mais si tres heureux d'etre de retour a la maison en France.
C'est le bonheur que Liz McCusker ne saura jamais. Bien qu'elle ne pouvais pas parlez la langue, meme si elle est arivee ici. [Rire]
Ah, Paris. Je ne pas attendre pour ouvrir ces volets le matin et regardez a cette belle ville.
Quant a vous, McCuskers, je suis reconnaissant d'etre dans un endroit ou je n'ai pas a m'inquieter de la traque de Liz, et de vous laissez a mes advocats.
Meant to post these other pics from Maine the other day. Chebeague Island Inn is just beautiful.
Neighbor Roger Goodell's house. What architect sold him this bill of goods? What a tasteless conglomeration of multiple styles. (Most of us pick one and stick with it, Roger. Let's see, we've got gothic, modern, shingle-style, Italianate.....I could go on and on).
And his wife (a Maine native) and his daughters are so graceful and just plain nice. Oh well, at least he keeps his gardens raked!!!!
A ferry ride across the beautiful bay, and then 9 holes of golf on this fabulous little island course. Then a really, really great dinner at this 19th century inn.
I may have put away my own boat, but am transitioning nicely into Fall in Maine!!!
My second Porsche-----the 911S turbo approaches 10,000 miles. I didn't know I drove it that much! Got to love German technology.......I haven't red-lined it at the 200 mph mark, though I recently got it to 182 on the track. Thrilling!
The hand-stitched leather on that steering wheel and dashboard still smells beautiful.
Simple churches are the prettiest----I attended a memorial service at this one today.
To quote Neil Armstrong, "The eagle has landed". In spite of the oak tree carnage around him, he's still here.
Holy cow!
The Harvest moon rises over Love Cove, Ebenecook.
And "Love Cove" is such a great name for it. Such a beautiful time we had in this special, special place. My husband is such a romantic!
A couple of photos today, of the Samoset Resort, Phippsburg Maine. The tourists have gone home! Very cold in the salt water pool, but I swam 1/2 mile in laps anyway!
Last week I took one last trip to my mooring in Quahog Bay, and felt so moved by my family of seals.
I saw this family on this ledge so many days in May, and now here are the babies all grown up! (as usual, I kept my distance in order to not disturb them).
Swarovski Crystal comes through! They custom made replacement crystals for my custom-made chandelier. Very grateful to have it back.
Having a boat is like having a vacation home that moves! We love going to lots of different places. Here's a pic from our dinner out last week----we ate at a wonderful restaurant on an island that's only accessible by boat----either your own or the public ferry.
We got back to Dix Island just ahead of the wind and rain today-----enough time for a brief walk before hunkering down with good books, some movies on DVD, and the heat on!
Boothbay Harbour Maine is quite honky-tonk-----which is why I always stay on the eastern side of the harbour, where it is quiet.
But just because it's honky-tonk doesn't mean it can't be fun! It's kind of cool to walk around the boardwalk there at this time of year, when most of the tourists are gone.
Gorgeous day to sail up here today!
Mud room scene: Chairman Meow wonders why he woke up next to a dog bone.
Where much magic happens:
The rocky coast of Maine will trip up sailors and boaters who are not experts at navigation
Someone recently asked me what a bathroom looks like on a boat. This is one of our 2 1/2 bathrooms:
My good friend Kenny and his sweet boy Dobbin
I took this three days ago------I love how the out-of-state boats have cleared out. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to our visitors, but it's always so nice to get the anchorages back to being little-used!
The nav station. Liz reads this, so here's a quiz for all you "captains" out there:
1. What are the four instruments mounted to the wall?
2. There are many switches on the panel. Why are some white and some black? And why, beneath the 5 white ones, is there one black switch?
3. Of the nine black switches, name the function of at least three.
Otherwise, it's just my wallet, my specs, a coaster, my pen and note pad, and my police-grade laptop!
2. There are many switches on the panel. Why are some white and some black? And why, beneath the 5 white ones, is there one black switch?
3. Of the nine black switches, name the function of at least three.
Otherwise, it's just my wallet, my specs, a coaster, my pen and note pad, and my police-grade laptop!
My Maine gardens this year have never been better. I just love my Rose of Sharon this year!!!! We don't usually use the porch on this side of the house (we are fortunate to have choices) but we haven't been able to resist sitting out here to look at the garden, in spite of the fact that we can't see the sea from the first floor porch on this side.
For all you Forrest Gump fans----and you know who you are (talking to YOU, Steve, who insisted I watch it)----here's the view of Marshall Point Lighthouse today in Port Clyde
Sunset over Cape Elizabeth
Good to be home again, and so grateful for the sea breeze on these hot days
A few more views of my beautiful Castine
Home of Maine Maritime Academy (where I formerly served on the Board), Castine is absolutely the prettiest town in Maine. I adore it here.
So lucky to have a big comfortable boat on which to cruise, and so lucky to be in Maine where the beauty is easy to find just by raising a sail.
Even though it rained hard today, by afternoon things were improving.
We should go home but are so happy to just be enjoying this yacht and meeting up with old friends, especially my old friends from Bates.
There are still quite a few irises and roses in bloom on Maine's offshore islands----summer comes late to this gorgeous area
Matinicus Island, Maine
Such a beautiful, remote place on this beautiful day--Duck Harbour, Isle au Haut
Spirit lies at anchor in Duck Harbour, Isle au Haut
It was kind of a foggy weekend.....not totally, but some (even all the way up Perry Creek)
Ginger and her husband, Agent Larry of the F.B.I., during our walk today to Turtle Head
A dull day today, so we went out to lunch and looking around at local gardens. I've never thought of using rocks for mulch, as they do in this downeast garden!
Liz McCusker needed help getting her little 24-foot boat into a fuel dock, according to her former acquaintances at the marina. Yet she called herself a "boat captain".
Could she have maneuvered a large boat around pilings and into a slip, with the tide running hard one way and the wind another?
Just asking.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!! Dysart's Marina, Southwest Harbour
My friend, retired OB/GYN Dr. Carol Ward M.D, attacks porcupine road-kill in Castine.......with her bathrobe! (It was already in the road, it was not us who had hit it). This is how to get the quills out, if you want to use them for decorations (as the native Americans did)
Blissfully alone with my husband, in a beautiful place. Before the fog settled in this evening, we had a gorgeous afternoon alone on a private, powdery-sand beach.
Managed to find Northeast Harbour, in spite of the fog.

I so love Acadia, for so many reasons....the hiking trails, the sailing. But a big one is the gardens.
Mussel Ridge
So where is the pot of gold???
oh, Maine.
Maine's Stonehenge?
Fog-shrouded Dix Island
How dishwashers really work
The Nav Station, unposed.
[Full of things Liz McCusker (who so often called herself a "Boat Captain") doesn't know how to use---protractor, dividers, hand bearing compass, etc. She's not a "boat captain" now; and never, ever was in the past.....just one of many lies she has told. (I challenge her to tell me I am wrong------if she does so I will make a public apology)]
If he's going to pick up our maid's dust-rag, I'd appreciate it if he actually dusted with it......
"I'm sorry, but we are not on speaking-terms right now"
Just look at this gorgeous dessert-----Flourless Chocolate Cake (and the design is in edible chocolate and fruit-puree).
Thank you, Boothbay Harbor Oceanside Golf Resort. What a fabulous meal, from start to finish!
We're back!!! Wonderful to spend a night on the dock at Brown's, where they treat us like family. We've had a wonderful 5 days on the boat (even though the seas weren't too kind)
Two more, because it's such a gorgeous building
What an incredible 19th century building!!!! Look at the amazing detail of the carving and stonework. Note the carved face where the arches meet; the denticulated stone mouldings, as well as the detailed cornices. Amazing to those of us who are educated about architecture------but it should be amazing to you too!
What a fine example of what builders used to do.
Geez, even gargoyles!
A favourite hotel room------not elegant, just so huge, comfy, and practical. 900 square feet of space (just 60 square feet less than the McCusker's latest home)
Somebody's quite comfortable
Definitely not Spring yet on the islands in Casco Bay. This is beautiful Whitehead Passage.
"Fare thee well, ye banks of Sicily
Fare thee well, ye valleys and shores....."
-Schooner Fare

We decided to get away from Maine's poor "Spring" weather this year. A quick trip to the Alps for Easter did the's gorgeous here. Lovely designs in flowers all along the streets of our village.
And still MORE snow at the lake on Friday! I'll never get my stored-car out!!!!!!
See that little black horse-head at the bottom and to the left of the tree trunk? That's the hitching post for my horses!!!!
Snow? What snow? It's still winter in the Maine mountains!
Could he look any more bored?
Gorgeous "Greek key" design on the ceiling
Did you see those news photos of the crowds of thousands of people at the east coast airports during the recent storms? We avoided them.
United Airlines' exclusive lounge at Terminal A in Newark is a real oasis from the hustle and bustle. So wonderfully quiet and comfortable!
No lines here----just professional United Airlines staff members to help you individually.
No lines here----just professional United Airlines staff members to help you individually.
There are comfy chairs, free food and drink, and private rooms (behind the glass doors) to hold phone conversations.
So would you rather be in here, or out in the terminal with thousands of other people in plastic chairs?
Some people know how to travel, and some don't.
Some people know how to travel, and some don't.
I guess at some point it's time to go, and open the Maine house
Down the way where the nights are gay
and the sun shines daily on the mountaintops
I took a trip on a sailing ship
and when I reached Antigua, I made a stop.
Down at the market you can hear the ladies cry out,
while on their heads they bear
Akee rice, salt fish are nice
and the rum is fine any time of the year
Sounds of laughter everywhere
and the dancing girls swaying to and fro
I must declare, my heart is here
though I've been from Maine to Mexico.
So I'm sad to say I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I have to leave my friends in Willikies town.
and the sun shines daily on the mountaintops
I took a trip on a sailing ship
and when I reached Antigua, I made a stop.
Down at the market you can hear the ladies cry out,
while on their heads they bear
Akee rice, salt fish are nice
and the rum is fine any time of the year
Sounds of laughter everywhere
and the dancing girls swaying to and fro
I must declare, my heart is here
though I've been from Maine to Mexico.
So I'm sad to say I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I have to leave my friends in Willikies town.

I think my 2nd favourite restaurant in all of Antigua (after Le Bistro) is the lovely little Le Cap Horn in English Harbour. It's been around for decades and has wonderful owner/hosts. Such a pretty little place, with delectable food!
But I think tonight all of the kitties in the harbour came to say goodbye to us. I don't know why, but there they all were!
As yet another snowstorm rages in Maine, could today (March 13) be ANY prettier here on the island?

Ummm....sure, OK.
Lunch today at chic and wonderful Southpoint
Sometimes I think he looks a little like a Halloween pumpkin
Shirley Heights was full of tourists and taxis today. What a mess!
But Ft. Shirley was empty and beautiful. Here's a view from the ruins of Ft. Shirley
Back to Half Moon Beach again.....
and home, to get some work done. Not a bad place to work.
The view pre-dinner from Stella's, Dickenson Bay, tonight 2/27
The Tuesday evening conundrum: "I can't decide among some local rum, a margarita, or perhaps just a simple glass of white wine"
Fearless Watch-cat
As usual, Ffreye's Beach was mostly deserted today.
Hanging out in a hammock (by the pool!) pre-lunch at gorgeous Admiral's Inn.
Around the Gunpowder House at beautiful English Harbour
One of the entries in the Superyacht Challenge last weekend. This boat is 172 feet long!!!!!!!
Kitty love
From bottom of photo: Galleon Beach, English Harbour, Falmouth
Sweet and dignified Jumby
Beautiful Half Moon Bay
My stairway, carved right into the cliff (but lit with subtle lighting)
The limestone cliffs I live on
Catherine's sur la Plage
The inimitable Wadadli smile........Wait a second, what's she doing on my chair?
Seen at my friend (former supermodel and muse to Helmut Newton) Cecilia Nord's fabulous little oceanfront restaurant
World's Largest Dog----yes, he's taller than the tables!!!!!
Gorgeous Hawksbill, nearing sunset
The local Antiguan mutts, locally known as "Dadli dogs" are so ugly they are cute.
They have the sweetest dispositions of any dog I've ever owned. You cannot go wrong adopting one of these amazing dogs.
She's an acrobat. When she sees me in the morning, she jumps in the air and with all 4 feet off the ground turns a 360 IN THE AIR!!!!! Her tail doesn't wag; it goes around in a circle like a propeller.
Here is my sweet Wadadli:
......who is telling me that she's ready for her close-up (with sand on her nose)
Meanwhile Fluffy Cat just likes to hang out.
Lots of laughs with old friends
Carlisle Bay
January 13, 2018: No need for flip-flops when seated at the cool beach bar OJ's in St. Mary's, Antigua. It's toes-in-the-sand for the quintessential cheeseburger in paradise!
Mmmm.....back to my little bit of paradise. Liz McCusker was so jealous of me that she could not allow Steve to go here alone to have a break-----in spite of the fact I wasn't going to be around (as in 1800 miles away). It's my opinion that she just doesn't like anybody who can show Steve that there are a lot of women around who have achieved; not all women sit at home and expect to be taken care of.
Thanks to all 80 of you who gave me the wonderful surprise party!!!!
And thank you to those who saw my coffee cup and said, "Truer words were never written". I'm very proud of my Capricorn-ness!!!!!
From my modeling days:

Airlines' private lounges certainly make travel easier. But Delta's at JFK lacks the luxury of any of the other scores of lounges I frequent. Still, loads better than being out in the quiet, professional, and relaxing!
The usual FREE food and drink, of course makes life easier:
My sweet and snowy boy gets whacked in the face by Chairman Meow's tail
Christmas at Temple Square, Salt Lake City
"Life is better when I ski" is embroidered on the pillows of this cute-as-a-button condo that my husband and I are renting in the gorgeous Wasatch Mountains of the U.S.
From swimming in the sunny Med, we flew to America's beautiful West.
Park City was started as a silver-mining town, and the old part of town-----basically Main Street-----still retains an old-west flavour. They've done a terrific job here of restoring the heart of the town.....And why shouldn't they------the median income here is the highest in Utah at $90,000/year. Again I said MEDIAN!
It's not for nothing that the Olympics were held here in 2002, and may be back in another 10 years. The skiing and winter sports are just fabulous.
Our 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo has a fireplace and terrific high-end furniture with beautiful wood floors and luxurious bathrooms. It has everything from Netflix to a jacuzzi to, in the garage, bicycles. It's only about 1100 square feet, but as Goldilocks once said, "It's not too big, It's not too small; It's jusssst right!" Walking distance to everything.
We are having such a blast in this great place with this early-season skiing!
Park City was started as a silver-mining town, and the old part of town-----basically Main Street-----still retains an old-west flavour. They've done a terrific job here of restoring the heart of the town.....And why shouldn't they------the median income here is the highest in Utah at $90,000/year. Again I said MEDIAN!
It's not for nothing that the Olympics were held here in 2002, and may be back in another 10 years. The skiing and winter sports are just fabulous.
Our 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo has a fireplace and terrific high-end furniture with beautiful wood floors and luxurious bathrooms. It has everything from Netflix to a jacuzzi to, in the garage, bicycles. It's only about 1100 square feet, but as Goldilocks once said, "It's not too big, It's not too small; It's jusssst right!" Walking distance to everything.
We are having such a blast in this great place with this early-season skiing!
The owner has piled 6 luxurious pillows on the oversized-king bed
Our little pied-a-terre that we bought years ago in warm Sicily.
No grey and rainy Maine Novembers for us-----sun and swimming in the Med.
(I forgot to bring my book in with my towel [same beach towels I have at all my homes] and you can see on the right by my mesh-chair that the book was soon "gone with the wind"------ooops!)
My sweet boy is sooooo tired tonight.....but can't give up his green squeaky toy!
I spent $136K for what's really a freight elevator........
Peace and quiet (and fog) in Merchant's Row---though I suppose some people HATE solitude, and wouldn't WANT to be alone with their spouse (what Steve McCusker told me about his own feelings----he wanted other boats around).
But for most of us, the idea of being alone on a boat with just family is a special thing that is getting lost as the population of Maine increases.
Happy birthday, Douglas! Love you very much!
My friends the Spragues are incredibly generous. They own gorgeous Richmond Island and allow anyone to (respectfully) use it----they even allow free camping!
For those who claim to be "West End girls" but don't know their Portland history too well:
The Spragues are direct descendants of George Cleaves, the first settler in Portland Maine, in 1632. So this land has been in their family for nearly 400 years----how many families in the United States can make that kind of claim?
The Spragues own Scarborough Beach, you didn't know that; "West End" girl!
It's just so beautiful out here, and the sand beach is the loveliest powdery sand.
Spirit lies off Ram Island farm, my friends the Spragues' estate in Cape Elizabeth
My wonderful, loving husband made me the nicest present! And sang!
The plovers were out in full force!!!!!!
We were once again honoured to be guests of Biddeford Pool Yacht Club
Eternal Father, strong to save
Whose arm has bound the restless wave
Who bids the mighty ocean deep
It's own appointed limits keep
Oh hear us when we cry to Thee
For those in peril on the sea.

Glacial erratics on a Maine island
What's wrong with this picture? Study it, and have a laugh!
My husband....the best flower-giver on the planet!!!! I just love the bouquets he makes for me, especially when he doesn't buy them but instead makes them from the flowers in the garden.
Today's is two colours of peonies (the last of them this year....sigh), along with our beach roses (i.e., rosa rugosa for those of you who went to public school in Portland and therefore weren't taught Latin)
My beautiful Retriever on a cloudy day at Barrett's Park, Boothbay. He's never met a tennis ball....or stick....or frisbee.....that wasn't worth retrieving.
Pogie, Rockfish, & Herring, Attorneys at Law
"Tell 'em yaw wicked pissed!"
June 27----a cloudy day at home
If they can have peace, why can't we all?
I have reached out to the McCuskers so many times. Asked why we all can't get along (not be friends-----just get along).
Their response (which according to my April conversation with Steve is Liz's idea/response) is to isolate themselves more and more.
I'm all for World Peace. If my little pets can figure out how to do it, I don't know why certain humans can't.
On several occasions, Liz McCusker referred to herself as a "former Boat Captain". On June 8, 2012, she even said, "remember I use [sic] to be a boat captain on Sebago" and talked about "securing the boat and the people on it". "Captain" is a specific license, which Liz does not have....and never did. So here's a quick quiz that a "captain" would certainly know: Why does this boat have two wheels?
Seals of approval
The furniture in this hotel suite is a little weirdly modern, but the 28-foot high windows overlooking the city are AMAZING!!!!! The view of this city is incredible.
and I love having this cute kitchen in the suite (in spite of the free breakfast down in the restaurant). With it's dishwasher, full size fridge and oven, and even granite counters (!!!!) it's nicer than the kitchen in my first apartment back in 1975! The maids even leave microwave popcorn and big bowls of fruit!!!!!!!
Riley guards the dock at Winthrop's Bay while we have Sunday brunch with my friend, former super-model Cecilia Nord
Jumby and companions, and house gate-keepers
"Dadli dog" (google it)
Secretary-cat attempts to answer telephone then realizes he doesn't have opposable thumbs.....
Sunrise today
Wedding at Dickinson Bay Beach
It figures that my cat would be a football fan........
Our gorgeous native orchids, that spring up on their own
Beautiful and deserted Hawksbill 4th Beach
An island that's only 108 square miles, yet has over 300 beaches-----it's no problem being alone, even just stopping your car on the side of the road for a quick swim and a bit of sun
....with plenty of places to stop afterwards for a cooling drink in the shade of sea grape trees or palm trees.......
Gorgeous and historically important Admiral Horatio Nelson's Dockyard, built in the early 1700's.
If you look closely at the horizon, you can see the island of Montseratt (devastated by the volcano). This is the west side of the can also often see Nevis, St. Kitt's, Guadaloupe, and the little nub of Redondo.
The Leward Islands always remind me of jewels on a bracelet----beautiful shapes laid out in a sparkling aqua sea.
Here's what we all want for Christmas next year------a helicopter for our boats!