Steve recently told me that all his problems are because of this web site. That statement seems to be handing me a lot of power that I don't have.
If a person takes takes an action, then gets mad when that action is shown the light of day......well, that's hard to understand. Maybe one shouldn't take such actions in the first place, if one's morals can't stand scrutiny.
Steve stated to me that he has zero responsibility for what I have written. It's troubling that a book was written about HIS actions----and now he claims no responsibility? I'm a reporter here, nothing more.
It doesn't appear that he's actually read most of this himself------it's full of offers to forgive the debt----and yet he's never once asked me about that. And apparently Liz can't process debt-forgiveness, since she hasn't contacted me either.
What I just heard---for the second time!--- from one of the Walsh/McCusker family members is that Liz is so afraid of me that she won't tell Steve that I'm willing to forgive the debt. This family member says that Liz is so scared that if Steve knows I will forgive his large debt, that Liz thinks he will then be grateful to me and "Liz wants him to hate you".
The family member further states that Liz "wants to control any contact with [me]" because "it bothers her that she didn't know you existed and isn't going to let something like that happen again".
So let me get this straight: Liz won't let poor Steve get out of a debt that is still 6 figures (due to recent defaults) just because she doesn't like me?
Too bad Steve and Liz McCusker didn't think through their actions each evening when they were laughing in glee over their latest volley on their fake facebook page. Liz stated in her depositions that they had a great deal of fun with that facebook page, attempting to ruin my reputation. They didn't care that their statements were false. For "fun"!
But in a recent review by my attorneys of STEVE'S deposition, it directly contradict's Liz's statements. Steve said:
"I'd get home and Liz would just assault me......'This is what she [meaning Marjorie Getz] said today' . I'd be so tired of listening to Liz. I'm tired all the time of listening to Liz".
To this I replied, "You mean you made false statements about an old friend who had bailed you out, and that you knew those statements were not only hurtful but illegal?".
Steve's response: "It's not [a matter of] telling Liz the truth. I couldn't take the nightly barrage [from Liz]".
My response: "So it was OK to lie about me?"
His response: "I need to live with her. I may have to lie to her for the rest of my life, because I have to live with her. Don't you understand, I have no choice".
Wow. Lie to your spouse forever because you feel you are trapped? [And, what are those lies currently?]