Marjorie Getz
Marjorie Getz's web site about her dealings in the Maine court system, (and federal Bankruptcy Law) with Liz McCusker. Stephen McCusker, and other issues surrounding the efficacy of the judicial system
Defamation by Elizabeth A. Mccusker and Stephen R. Mccusker
Liz & Steve McCusker's Defamation and the fake facebook they created called "Jack Hill"
Liz McCusker poses as "Jack Hill"
Liz and Steve McCusker's statements, in case you are wondering why they got sued and lost
Stuff Steve and Liz Mccusker told me (and others) at random times
More Steve McCusker prevarications
Cringe-worthy grammar: A brief lesson in pronouns
Steve says he doesn't like to spend time on the internet, so i seriously doubt his wife has mentioned this page!
New testimony by two new interesting sources
Recent reviews of the court records
Much McCusker background
From a fellow Roger Bill person Liz McCusker calls a "best friend"
What a marriage is built upon
Today's laugh: The "P.I." idiocy
Visiting Steve in his condo-----a story of friendship
Anniversary of Steve McCusker's move back "home"
Ed Walsh's legacy/Steve McCusker takes money from his son
How difficult it must be: To fail with your child while a cousin excels
Stephen and Elizabeth Mccusker's lies: The Antigua Saga
Does she mean to lie, or is it wishful thinking?: Liz McCusker attempts once again to change history
If I'm such a horrible person, why am I always Steve Mccusker's go-to person when he needs help?
lynn marcisso and travel
Downeast Energy in Maine: Don't do business with them!
For those who doubt: Take a look at how the McCuskers left their home [slideshow]
Downeast Energy in Maine----Don't do business with them if you value privacy!
What Steve's siblings say about Liz:
Liz McCusker and her lack of understanding the law about Facebook
Steve and Liz McCusker and responsibility (somebody suggested it's anoesis)
Liz McCusker statements
Liz McCusker's nonsense about buying properties
What the heck did I do to liz mccusker to deserve this?
"My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts"
Liz McCusker: "Don't want to brag, but I grew up on the West End"
The Cook's Corner---back by popular demand!
Bankruptcy law help: That pesky little thing called the "2004 Exam"
Cool videos of stuff I've been doing
Specific details of the McCusker bankruptcy,
Bankruptcy fun, including the jewelry for Steve McCusker's Mistress
Income inequality and Bankruptcy Law
Today's Quote:
Today's Photo
updated (almost) daily! New Stuff from The Cook's Corner
The Blog-ish
Hey Liz Mccusker---a short lesson in grammar
No excuse for not having a job these days if you are having trouble paying your bills
Cruel children and idiot parents
Strange photos by Liz McCusker
Construction zones finished at last!
Internet stuff
Have you ever googled yourself? It's laughable
The Facebook Idiocy
Letter Steve McCusker didn't write
more cool photos--NEWLY UPDATED FOR 2024!!!
Maine Court Issues:
New information on neutral crowley
Were Judge Crowley's actions and questions appropriate?
Negotiation, Mediation, and the Maine ADR
Maine District Court and the PFH process
Maine Courts don't work for resolving payment issues
Feast of Stephen
For the courtesy-challenged----and you know who you are
I got the nicest compliment today
If you tell someone something, and they don't do it......
Well, at least it keeps our web site visitor-numbers up
Middle Class or Middle Income?
There's some kind of thing called "Dump Cakes" and "Dump Dinners"
Everett Ave area-----I love it when this happens